“Me Too”

“Me Too”


Harvey Weinstein has been much of the talks lately.  Many are coming out whom have been directly affected by Harvey, and many more are coming out whom have been affected by others.  You and I have all seen the way they have been coming out.  #MeToo.




The Me Too movement as you know came about as a response and to bring awareness to the situation at hand since the Harvey Weinstein controversy.  Since the first post about this situation “more than 53,000 people had left comments and thousands of women had declared “Me Too,” sharing their stories of rape, sexual assault and harassment across social media, including some for the first time.”





I too included a “me too” post for the very first time. I have never shared my story, but I have undergone sexual assault and harassment.   It took a lot for me to even write those two words because it meant admitting to myself that I am a victim of assault.  I never reported my assailants, nor would I at this point. One of them is deceased, the other was really young when he did so.  I was young myself and did not know how to talk about or process what I endured.  My post also shows my family a truth about my past which I never wanted to discuss, never have discussed with them, nor do I have any intentions to further discuss with them nor my spouse. 


Some may have seen it, some may have not.  Those two little words I wrote in solidarity for being victimized, but any further elaboration up to that point was not going to be given.  Many though chose not to admit their assaults or harassment in this movement.  Many are still unable to handle such memories or just want to bury their past deep down to the bottoms of the oceans. I do not blame them.

I commend the women whom have been able to share their stories in public. They are stronger than I am for sharing their stories along side their Me Too.  


As I write this I can vividly see the faces of the two whom have harassed/assaulted me in my past.  I can vividly see where I was, what I wore, What was said and what happened after the fact.  I cringe at the memory. I feel repulsed by myself.

I couldn’t add more than those two words.

My family follow me on social media.

I didn’t want to disclose more than I did.

Saying me too, I said more than I ever did since my first encounter.

As mentioned earlier one of the assailants I was told passed away.  Died too young.  Died in a hit and run accident in Florida.  It was horrendous to hear.  I never wished either of the two any wrong.  I forgave them both. Though I am scarred by the memories…I forgive them each time I think of it.  The one who passed away shouldn’t have died the way he did.  He was on his way to get milk for his infant.  I cried at the news.  Like I said I did forgive him. In person at that.  (though I did leave him with a black eye and a few scratches to the face at our encounter).


Sometimes we are victimized not by strangers but people we know and associate with.  Sometimes its a relatives.  I thank God in my case neither are relatives.  They were people I have known though.  People I didn’t think would do such a thing.


What I ask is that Mothers of boys, lets teach our sons to respect women. Lets raise our boys not to harass or assault anyone.  Teach our children boundaries.  Teach our children respect overall.  Teach our children “personal space”.  Teach our children how would you feel if you were in those shoes?  Teach our children what If it were me your mom or sibling that this had happened to.  We need to make things personal in order to assess our feelings accordingly.  We need to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions.


Mothers of daughters, teach your daughters to speak up.  Teach your daughters to defend themselves.  I may not have been able to speak up or do something the first time.  The second time I did fight back.  I did not turn the other check like the bible says, and I have asked for forgiveness in that.  I did defend myself.  I did not report to any authorities of anything nor did I file complain.  I probably should have.


Remember to please not judge those victimized.  No one ever asks to be raped, harassed or assaulted.  It’s not something that one says Hi, I’m here, Pick me, Choose me, attack me?

 We need to respect the privacy of those whom admit they were victims; but do not want to disclose anything further than two words.


It is hard.


Here are affiliated articles on the #metoo movement.:


Pslams 9:9

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.


As with all that I do, let us end in a prayer.

Father God I thank you for another day to speak about a topic which is not spoken about often enough.  Lord you are my stronghold, in the good times and in my times of trouble.  Lord you are the stronghold to the many women whom have been victimized during the years.  I once again come before you and seek forgiveness for my transgressions on the issues I mentioned above and I forgive those whom have caused harm to my person.  God you know the situation that occurred, you know how it has affected me and why I choose not to disclose more than I did.  Lord I still want to forgive my transgressors and once again ask for forgiveness for my transgressions.  Lord I ask you provide strength and guidance to the many victims whom have yet found an outlet or confide in someone to discuss their circumstances and experience.  May they find refuge in you so that they too can forgive and move forward.  I know it is hard my Lord, but with you all things are possible.  Amen.

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